Monday, 25 March 2013


These images where taken in a dark room with a spotlight based on the model and a reflector for appropriate lighting on the models face, these images where taken with the Cannon 600D using F/2.8 and exposure time of 1/8000 and an ISO of 400.

Monday, 11 March 2013


The effect on these images where created by holding up a patterned object towards the models face with a spot-light directed at the model. These images where taken on the Canon 600D, with F/1.8, and with the exposure time set to 1/320 and the ISO set to 800.

Frozen Motion/ Fast Shutter Speed

To create these unusual stills, capturing splash photography was mainly focused on the speed of the shutter speed to capture the individual. To create these images I used the Cannon 600D, using the Time Variant aperture 'Tv' mode; I then changed the ios to 400 and the Fs.d to 5.6 which controls the amount of light entering the lens and I also changed the exposure time to 1/800 which is the length of time the shutter is open.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Inspired By

Original Image


The original image that I have decided to use from a reality television series 'Americas Next Top Model' taken by a well known photographer Nigel Barker. I was inspired as I believe it accentuates a models features and it also brings out a hidden meaning, telling a story. These pictures where taken with a Cannon 600D with an aperture of 5.6 and the shutter speed at 1/80 which allows more light into the lens allowing a higher exposure. I also adjusted the ISO to 200 to 400, this added more light to the image.